Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Monthly Meal Planning

Recently, I was asked about a calendar in my kitchen that has my meal plans for the month. I explained what I do and she suggested I write a post about how I plan meals for the month and about the other calendars around my house that keep my life running smoothly.

I am a stay-at-home mom. Most days, I can start planning and prepping a meal around 4:30 in the afternoon. This is obviously unrealistic for a mom who works outside the home. If you are a mom who works outside the home and would like to explain how you plan meals, I would love to hear from you!! I would love to get that perspective also! Just message me!!!

 I may be crazy, or a little weird about organization, but since this was a requested post, I will try not to be too insecure about posting it.

So, here I go.

How I plan meals for THE WHOLE MONTH. And, yes. It is possible and doable. And it makes life 10 times easier knowing what is going on the table in the evening and not scrambling around every night at 6  PM throwing something together, or spending $30 for take out. We have saved hundreds of dollars every month, which turns out to be thousands of dollars each year, by meal planning for the month.

For a little background.

I make sure each dinner consists of as many food groups as possible, for as cheap as possible.

Starch (Potato, rice, or pasta)
*I sometimes don't get the fruit on the table, depending on the season or the night. But, I make sure there is always a meat, starch, and veggie (Or 2... or 3)

So, this is what I do....

I have a document on my computer that has ALL the recipes I make for dinner. The list has grown throughout the years and I have gotten rid of some recipes that weren't favorites for my family. I usually try at least one NEW recipe each month. Facebook and Pinterest are great for this. But, I don't see the recipe and make it that night. It waits until the next month and I put it on the calendar.

Make sure you have the recipe written down in a handy place. I know some recipes by heart, but still pull out the recipe to double check, especially with little ones around, distracting me.

So, make a list of ALL your recipes you know how to make. If you aren't too interested in cooking and your list is short, no worries. It will grow over time. Try to get at least 14 meals so you can rotate them every 2 weeks.

A sample part of my list is:

Mongolian Beef
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Shepherds Pie
Shake N Bake Chicken
Meat Loaf

It doesn't have to be complex. Just something to feed your family.
Then, each night add the sides. Potatoes (Even instant) work great. Get a good rice cooker and steam rice, cook up a pasta side. Steam some broccoli and green beans, or boil some corn.
Again, it doesn't have to be complicated. Something on the table to fill bellies and give nutrition.


I buy groceries every 2 weeks. If we run out of something, of course I run to the store and pick it up, but the bulk of my groceries are bought on the 1st and 15th of the month, when my husband gets paid. Because of this, I make sure the first 4-5 days after payday are recipes that require fresh ingredients, for example, Tacos. You need fresh lettuce and other ingredients. I'm not making a special trip to the store for those ingredients. We have tacos the first days after payday.

But, get those recipes written down. I always just write down the main dish and then find sides to match with it that night. You can get even more specific and pick sides also and write those down.

I have my calendar in hand and my recipes in hand. I go day by day and read each meal and read the recipe. I make sure I have the ingredients I need on my list, or check the pantry to make sure I have it on hand. If I need something specific, say Ranch Dressing, I buy 2 or 3. One for the recipe and one or  two for the pantry so I don't have to buy one for a while. I make my 2 week grocery list and make sure I have everything I need, or 90% of what I need for the next couple weeks. Then, there are no excuses. I have everything for the meal, so it should make it easy.

Sometimes this is the hard step. Especially with 3 little ones in tow. But, I force myself to do it. I try to make it a game with my kids and they learn basic items we need and know the brand I buy. They seem to enjoy it, for the most part. But, Grocery Shop! Take the hour or 2 it takes to get everything so it is all organized! It will pay off in the end!

Stick with the meal plan. It saves us hundreds of dollars a month, seriously. I was spending money some nights ordering take out because I didn't have some ingredients or I didn't have an idea for dinner. Now that I know what I'm making every day, it takes stress off of me. I know what I need to do and what time I need to start preparing it.

This seriously saves us a TON of money. It takes stress off of me. There are no questions about what is for dinner and it keeps life organized.

Make it fit your schedule. For example, I am away from the house until after 6 on Thursdays. This used to ALWAYS be take-out night. And, we were spending $30-50 every week because I wasn't planning well. I now put something in the slow cooker and make sure I have easy sides, like instant potatoes or rice and a steamable veggie.

I swear by this. It is something I stick with every single month.

Let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.

If you Meal Plan and would like to share how you do it, Please message me and I will add your thoughts to the blog!!! I love to hear different ideas and learn different ways of doing things.

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