Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Are You Present In Your Child's Life?

Being a mom is TOUGH! It's the hardest job on the planet. I'm never able to think of myself, I'm really tired most of the time, and I usually have about 50 things going on at once.

My calendar is packed! We have about 3 days on the calendar this month with nothing to do. We have soccer practice, dance practice, school field trips, doctors appointments, dinners, meetings, the list goes on and on.... And, at the same time we are supposed to be there for our kids. Helping them with endless homework after school, reading to them for no less than 20 minutes per day, feeding them extremely healthy, organic snacks and meals AND keep my house SPOTLESS!

Okay, I may have been a tiny bit dramatic.... but not really. We, as moms, have a never-ending list of things that has to get done.

Today, I picked up my kids from school and we were headed home. I asked them the usual, "Did anything exciting happen today at school?"

They answered.

I heard them get quiet so I went on to my next question, "What was your favorite part of today?"

They answered.

They got quiet again.

I could not tell you their answers.

Let that sink in. I asked them questions, they told me exciting things that happened while I wasn't with them. What they learned, who they played with, what craft they did, but I was so caught up with thinking about my next task I didn't even know what they answered. I just knew I needed to engage and ask them about their school day.

I had to get home and get backpacks hung up, lunch boxes cleaned out, snacks prepped, homework started....

My list is so long and I have so many things to do I am rarely full present with my children.

I'm here. I'm with my kids. I play with them. I read with them. But, I am constantly thinking of the next thing I have to do. My mind is somewhere else. My body is here, my mind is not.

Dinner needs to be made. I could throw in a load of laundry before that so it's washing while I make dinner. The baby needs a diaper change... It goes on... and on... and on....

My question to myself today was, "How often am I 100% PRESENT in my child's life?" Not just doing tasks with them or for them, but really seeking to know their hearts and learn about them and soak up their sweet energy?

I am a stay at home mom. I am with my kids 80% of the time. If they aren't at school, they are with me. But, how often do I REALLY listen to their stories and not just say "Really?" or tell them "In a minute." or how many times am I so busy they have to repeat their questions because I have to say "What?" because I really wasn't paying attention the first two times they said it?

My goal is to declutter my life. Clean out that schedule. The little things around the house that aren't too important. To get rid of them or put them off so I can sit down with my kids for 15-20 minutes and REALLY be present. REALLY spend time with them.

They are growing each and every day. They are a little older every morning they wake up. I'm ready to soak up the little things every day. I want to be present. 100% present in their daily life.

Obviously, things still need to get done. There are still dirty dishes, dirty laundry, meals to be made, bills to pay. But, in those moments my kids REALLY need me and really want to talk with me and spend time with me and share things with me. I'm going to drop everything. I'm going to look them in the eye. I'm going to share giggles. I'm going to hold them. I'm going to kiss them. I'm going to make memories with them.

Are you present? Are you fully there? Is it a struggle? Declutter your life. Let some things wait. Spend time with your kids, not just time driving your kids to and from practices or making meals or being in the same room. Let's do this. I don't think we will ever regret it.

Who's with me??

Let's do this.

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