Sunday, July 31, 2016

To My Baby, As Your Enter Kindergarten....

It doesn’t seem that long ago, my baby, that you were swaddled in a blanket, being held in my arms hours after your birth. I kissed your forehead and your cheeks and told you I would love and protect you forever. Daddy and I were so nervous taking you home. You were so small. You began scooting and rolling and were on the move. Within months you were pulling yourself up and taking those first shaky steps. Your chubby little hands flying around in the air and your sweet little giggle as you learned a new skill. I walked right behind you during those first steps, making sure to catch you when you fell and snuggle you close when you were hurt.
 Time flew by, my baby, as you grew and our family grew. You became a big brother. You had a best friend. I watched you as you learned to share your toys and how you reacted when you didn’t want to share your toys.
 We rocked many hours in that rocking chair in the living room. Sometimes with a fever, sometimes with an owie, sometimes just for you and me to spend time alone.
 Many nights recently, I sneak into your room and watch you while you sleep. Your sweet face that is no longer a baby face. Your chubby cheeks are gone. Your fat little hands have slimmed down to little boy hands. Your soft eye lashes flutter while you sleep and you take a deep relaxing breath. I kiss you on the forehead, just as I did when you were swaddled in my arms in that hospital bed. As I turn on your nightlight and softly step out of your room, I realize my baby is growing.
 You will soon be walking through those elementary school doors. You will be making new friends. You will be making decisions without me beside you. You will be making memories without me there. Don’t grow too fast, sweet child. Hold my hand while we walk. Squeeze me tight and kiss my cheek. Let me hold you just a little longer. I’m not sure I’m ready for you to leave the comforts and security of my arms. But you will. And you will fly. You will flourish.
 As I wipe the tears from my cheeks that first school day, just remember they aren’t tears of sadness, they are happy tears. I am so proud of you, sweet baby. You will change the world. And, this is the first step. I will let go of that hand and watch you enter that classroom with your backpack strapped to you and your lunch box in hand.
 You are so precious. I love you forever. Forever you will be my baby.
 I love you my Kindergartener.
I will let go of your hand. And you will soar.

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