Thursday, February 16, 2017

I Understand God's Love Better Now That I'm A Parent

Growing up in church, we were taught about God's love from a young age. I heard it time and time again. But, once I became a parent and my kids began to grow and get older, it made more and more sense at His complex, unconditional, overwhelming love for me.

The moment that baby was placed on my chest, tears streamed down my face. I was filled with love for a child I had just set my eyes on. I had never met this little person but love overwhelmed me. I would do anything for this baby. I would die for this child. I would walk to the ends of the earth for this child. I lost sleep for a little human who couldn't even communicate with me. I held and rocked and sang to and loved on and snuggled this child without them even giving me a glimpse that they loved me back. The baby screamed and pooped and puked. I didn't have deep, meaningful conversations with this child, yet I loved them more than words can describe.

The same goes for God toward you. You may feel distant from God. There has been no communication, no relationship, no love on your part. But, just like you love your newborn baby, God loves you. He would do anything for you. He died for you. He walked the ends of the earth for you. He held you and rocked you and sang to you and loved you and comforted you without you even giving Him a glimpse that you loved Him back. God loves you where you are, no matter where that is. That feeling you get when you think of your child and you get the lump in your throat because you are so proud of them and you love them more than anything... God loves you more than that.

As time went on and my kids began to grow, they learned to walk. Those tiny timid steps. They would fall but I was right behind them to catch them. They fell and fell and fell but I was there the whole time. I didn't give my child one chance and then walk away from them. Oh, you didn't getting the walking thing figured out after the first try?? Too bad, I've given up on you. No. Of course not. That's not how parenting works. I sat with them and lovingly encouraged them over and over. You can do this. I am here with you. I will catch you. I will protect you. And, sure enough, after enough practice, they took those big, confident steps! And I cheered and picked them up and hugged them and we celebrated the big accomplishment.

Just as I encouraged my child and was right behind them ready to catch them when they fell, so is God. He is standing right behind you, cheering you on and when you fail or make a mistake He doesn't simply walk away. He is there to pick you up. He is there to wipe the dirt of your pants and the tears from your eyes and encourage you to try again. And again. And again. God never walks away or gives up on your because you fail. Never. Just like you would never walk away from your child.

The thing that stuck with me a lot as a parent is rules. I have rules for my children. Not to be a mean mom or to keep them from fully experiencing life, but to protect them. Don't run in the road, you will get hit. Don't touch the stove, you will get burned. Some rules are basic. But, there are some rules my kids think are over the top and don't understand. But, as a parent I know why I have these rules. It's to fully protect them. Protect them physically. Protect them emotionally. Protect them mentally. Protect the spiritually. Our home is not a crazy strict home by any means. We have lots of fun. I feed my kids ice cream in the bathtub. They play hockey in the house. But, there are rules that I have to protect those precious babies. What if they break a rule? I love them still. We work out a solution together. But, I will never leave them or not love them for making mistakes. There are always consequences for the choices you make here on earth. You lie to someone, they won't trust you anymore. You steal candy from the store, you will take money back and apologize to the owner. There will be consequences, but my love for my child will never change by the choices they make.

The same goes for God. He has rules for us. Not to make us lead boring lives. We aren't supposed to walk around like zombies not smiling or having a good time. But, these rules are to protect us. He loves us so very much, He would do anything to protect you and keep you safe. Life can be so full of wonderful things as a Christian. Some people think if you are a Christian you are boring. So not true. You can have so much fun. God just wants you to be safe, just like you strive for the safety of your own children. Just like your love for your child not changing with the mistakes they make, the same goes for our Father in Heaven. There will obviously always be consequences here on earth. You break the law, you will pay a fine or go to jail. Hopefully, you wouldn't make the same mistake again. Just like you would forgive and love your child with the mistakes they made, so does God. He forgives you and loves you for every mistake you make. He loved you so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you. YOU! Your sins are paid for. Your past mistakes are washed clean. Your life is white as snow. For me, the best way to thank God and honor Him for all He has done, is to follow Him. I try to follow the commands He has given. If He loves me enough to die for me, it makes it such an easy decision for me on how to live my life.

The best part of my children growing if the times when I get to really connect with them. Our relationship grows through regular conversations. They tell me their fears, likes, dislikes, worries. I help them when they come to me and talk with me. Our communication is key in our relationship as time goes on. I get to know them on a deep, personal level. I am talking to my kids all the time from the time they are infants. I want to know them. I want to understand them. I want to connect with them. And, when we communicate and learn and talk with each other, our relationship grows immensely.

God wants to connect with you. He wants to be in communication with you. He wants a relationship with you. Just like you want with your child. He wants to connect with you on a deep, personal level. He wants regular conversations with you. He wants to hear your fears, likes, dislikes, worries. He wants to hear your prayers and praises. Communicate with God. Pray. Get to know Him better. Open that bible. Connect with God. He wants a full relationship with you. Just like you want with your child.

Having children has changed the way I look at God. If I love MY children as much as I do, I can't even comprehend the love He has for me. It's overwhelming to think about. Sometimes I can't understand God's love. But, He loves us. He loves you. He wants the best for you. He holds you and comforts you and is walking with you every step of the way to protect you. He wants you to live a full and wonderful life. Not just on earth, but with Him for eternity.

You are amazing.
You are loved.
Don't ever think less of yourself.
You are a child of God.

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