Monday, November 7, 2016

10 Ways To Stay Sane As A Stay-At-Home Mom

I have 3 kids. I had them in a 4 year span. I currently have a 5 year old, a 4 year old and a 1 year old. I don't get much sleep, I don't have a lot of time to myself, but there are ways I try to stay sane and feel like a normal human being throughout the week, month, and year.

Yes, I know there are some days where things don't go as planned. My house is a mess, I'm a mess, the kids are a mess. But, majority of the time, I try to keep to this list and it has helped me SO MUCH!

I struggled with postpartum depression and anxiety with each child. These are things that helped me get through the dark times and kept me feeling human. I hope it helps you also.

Even if you aren't going anywhere, you have no plans for the day, and you have no one coming by. Get ready for the day. Set your alarm, get up before the kids, shower, shave your legs, moisturize, put on your makeup, do your hair and get dressed just like you would be leaving to go to work or shopping. I dress just like I would be leaving the house. There is something about looking in the mirror at yourself with makeup on (Even if it's not much... I wear foundation, powder and mascara... Nothing much). But, it makes me feel human. Do your hair in the morning. You feel good if you feel like you look good. A big confidence booster right in the morning.

Have a workout plan. Even if it's tough to do with kids. We have a walking park in our town and I've taken two kids on bikes and one kid in the stroller and did a two mile run. It was chaotic but I did it. If I'm not able to get out of the house that day, I have some DVD's that I have and I use them. I workout in the mornings and then will get ready for the day (shower, hair, makeup) after I get done. I thought my kids would hate getting outside in the early morning, but their attitudes seem better during the day also when we get out and exercise. A healthy body is a happy body.

I know the jokes are that stay-at-home moms eat chicken nuggets and gold fish all day. Which, I've had my fair share of chicken nuggets and gold fish. But, not on a regular basis. My kids will have that for lunches sometimes but I make sure I have tortillas and ingredients for a wrap or a salad. I make my kids these things too and I'm amazed at how much they enjoy wraps and salads just because they are exposed to it. Eating healthy will make you feel better. Drinking lots of water helps also. It boosts energy and helps you feel better. Eat healthy. Drink water. It will help so much!

I saw this tip on different articles in the past and thought it was a joke. How would making your bed make you feel more sane and feel better during the day? Then, for a month I did it. And, I haven't stopped. I make the bed every morning. There is something about a clean slate when you walk into your room. Everything seems better. There is a calmness when bed is made. And, nothing feels better than climbing into a made bed at the end of the day. Am I right? Seriously, try it. It really does help.

After the kids are dressed, the hubby is off to work, and you are ready for the day, gather up all the dirty clothes around the house and throw them in the washer. Remember to move them to the dryer a while later and even if you don't get back to folding it that day, you at least have a load clean. Nothing is more frustrating than a huge pile of laundry waiting to be washed. It's so overwhelming. I've learned if I keep up with laundry, life is smoother. Plus, there is nothing worse than when someone needs a piece of clothing only to find out it's dirty. Do a load a day. Keep up with it. Fold it when possible, but at least get it washed and dried.

I am exhausted by the end of the night. After 3 meals made, taking care of kids all day, and the bedtime routine, the last thing I want to do is dishes and cleaning the kitchen. I used to ignore the dishes until the next morning and I was always frustrated when I woke up the next morning with a sink of crusted over, dirty dishes in the sink. So, I push myself in the evening to do all the dishes, get them in the dishwasher or all washed in the sink and put away, counters wiped down, dinner table wiped down, floors swept and I can walk away and go to bed happy. I love waking up in the morning to start breakfast with a clean slate. It helps my sanity each day. So, power through and get that kitchen cleaned at night so you have a clean fresh area to work in the next day.

Even if it is 15 minutes scrolling through Facebook on your phone while the kids are eating a snack. Drop the to-do list and take some time for yourself. The crying and whining is draining. The constant need from each child is overwhelming at times. There are days I want to scream... or run away (Joking... but really... you know the feeling) Sometimes I get more 'me-time' the other times but I try to get at least 15 minutes each day where I am not helping someone or cleaning something. Do something for yourself.

If it is a hair appointment or a nail appointment, or a massage... Have that standing appointment each month. I get my hair cut every 4 weeks. I get it colored every 8 weeks. Do I NEED to do it that often? Probably not. But, I'm out of the house, away from the kids, talking to an adult for an hour. Plus, a little pampering goes a long way. I make sure at the end of my appointment to schedule another appointment for 4 weeks out. And, I look forward to it every month. It reminds me I'm not just a mom. I'm a woman. And I feel better about myself when I come home. Make that appointment each month. Pamper yourself. Get that massage. Get your nails done. Get your hair done. Do it for you. EVERY. MONTH.

This may sound backwards. Isn't the guy supposed to plan the dates? Yes. Maybe. But, it doesn't have to be that way. Call a babysitter, get it set up a week ahead and make some dinner reservations. Find a movie to go to. Find a fun event that is going on. Plan it. Sometimes planning it is the fun part. Get out with your fella for a few hours and remind yourselves why you are on this crazy rollercoaster called parenting together in the first place.... Because you LOVE EACH OTHER. Get out every other week or so. It doesn't have to be big or fancy. Go for a walk. Go for a drive. Sit by a pond and talk. No matter what it is, get out and spend some alone time with your husband.

This one sounds weird. But, seriously. There are things that I say I'm going to do and I never get them done. Paint the bedroom. Get my photos printed and in photo albums. Make a baby blanket for a friends baby shower. Things like that. I say I want to do them and most of the time I think I'm too busy and never get them finished... or even started. But, I figure if I can get one done each month I feel satisfied and accomplished. Do it when you have a little time here and there and if possible, get the kids involved. They might enjoy it also. But make a list of projects you want to get done and DO them.

This list has helped me a lot throughout my mommy years. There are times when I feel like I'm going crazy, or when everything is a mess and we have cereal for dinner. But, remember tomorrow is a new day. Try to get up the next day with a fresh mind and soul. Your kids love you and need you. They want the best mommy. So, remember to do some things for YOU to make sure you are a happier, healthier mommy for them.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Stacy!! This is a great list!! My life isn't quite as crazy as yours, but this will be a good thing to remember!
