Sunday, July 31, 2016

Don't Judge A Mom By Her "Park" Cover

I have to admit, one of my favorite ways to get a break is to go to the park. My kids run around, the baby kicks on the blanket, I play on my phone, or read, or snack, or just stare off into space. I am a hands on mom at home. The park is my time to do nothing. I get lots of looks at the park. As if I am not an involved mom with my kids, that I don't care about them, that I don't pay attention to them. That's not it at all. Don't judge a mom by her "park" cover. Some moms work outside the home, away from the kiddos all day, and love that one on one time with their littles at the park, pushing them on the swings and catching them as they come down the slide. Some moms need the break. This is their break. Let them be. Don't give the "looks". Smile at her, make a small joke about finally getting the kids energy out and giggle. Don't judge. You don't know how much she has done all day. Lift each other up and encourage one another. That might be the only motivation she gets the whole day. Stay amazing beautiful mommas!!

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