Sunday, July 31, 2016

My Parenting Style

My oldest boys are 5 and 3. Majority of their lives people have given their opinion about the way my husband and I parent them. If it's that we cosleep with them and have an "open door policy" with them, allowing them to come in to our bed any time of any night. If it's our "gentle parenting" style, with no physical punishment, no yelling or screaming, and only a rare occasion of putting our child in the corner, alone. We lead by example. We make mistakes and ask for forgiveness. One of our big rules in our house is, "if you tell the truth, you won't be in trouble". That doesn't mean their aren't consequences. If you break a window, you will do chores to pay for it, if you hit your brother you will stand with him until he feels better asking for his forgiveness. Children are children. They learn more from example than anything else. My parenting and discipline style is just that. I don't want to be yelled at or put down for every mistake I make, why would I think my children would? Long story short, we have had comments made to us throughout the years and it made me question if we were being to easy on our children. Then, this morning I was shown that I was doing it right, for my family. After a long day of my family volunteering until late into the night Saturday, I woke them early to head to church. No one whined or complained it was too early, or they were tired. We arrived at the church, and tables needed to be set up in the fellowship hall. No questions asked, my 3 and 5 year old started setting up chairs around the tables, with the other men of the church. The same morning, we were also greeters. The boys asked to be in charge of greeting and I agreed. They stood at the door and shook hands with adults and handing them church bulletins. After church, we treated them to lunch at their favorite diner and then headed home for a much needed nap. I'm not trying to tell this to pat myself on the back. I wanted to share it for 2 reasons: 1. Don't question your parenting. Everyone has their opinion. If you aren't abusing your child or hurting them and you are doing your best to parent them in the style you think is best, keep it up. Don't let anyone discourage you. 2. Children learn by example. If you yell, your children will yell. If you are constantly positive, they will most likely be positive, if your are judgmental of others, so will they. I take my parenting job seriously. Teaching by example. Showing my children to take care of others before themselves and today proved that I was doing something right. And all those negative comments can be thrown out the window. You are the best parent for your child. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Lead them. Be their example. They watch your every move and learn from it. Lead them in the right direction and watch them move mountains. You are amazing! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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