Sunday, July 31, 2016

Get Rid of the Mommy Guilt!

Mommy Guilt is an awful thing. It’s time to let go of it. Agree?

 I am notorious for mommy guilt. I had 3 kids in 4 years. Nothing changes your perspective on life like having 3 kids in 4 years. My whole life is my children. I do everything for them, because, come on, they can’t do much for themselves at this point.

 I am constantly cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, changing diapers, reading stories, giving baths, wiping bottoms, getting snacks, transporting kids to activities, walking to the park, fixing scraped knees, feeding a baby at 3 am, the list goes on and on and on. 98% of my life is consumed by children. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, a while back, I realized I haven’t done much for myself in YEARS.

 About a year ago, I decided my treat to myself was to go get my hair done every couple months. I keep a regular appointment for this and I rarely reschedule because it is my time for me. Other than that, I wasn’t doing much for myself. A few weeks ago, I really started thinking about my attitude and my outlook on life. I realized I was so consumed with children, filling their mental, emotional, and spiritual cups, constantly pouring out of mine, I was struggling to fill my cup back up. And, it is impossible to pour out of an empty cup. So, I have taken a pledge with myself and I hope you take it with me!

 Stop feeling guilty for doing things for yourself. Make the monthly hair appointment. Go and buy that dress. Go sit on your back patio and sip your cup of coffee while the kids watch a movie. Find SOMETHING every day, or every few days to do FOR YOU!

 I was shopping yesterday with my family. We rarely go to department stores because we are the ‘thrifty’ family. Most everything is hand-me-downs, thrift store, or clearance. However, I told my husband I needed a dress for an upcoming event we are going to and I wanted a new dress. I found a dress and it was $32 (GASP!). I haven’t spent that much on a single piece of clothing since college. But, I bought it. I took it home and I tried it on. And, it felt AMAZING! I felt like a woman again. Human again. My kids commented on my new dress and how they thought I was pretty. I had a boost of confidence.

 There are lots of times I feel like a machine. I still exclusively breastfeed my 8 month old. I feel like a milk machine. My 3 and 5 year old constantly need my help. I forget many times that I am human and woman, and I also have needs.

 So, I urge you beautiful moms, Go! Spend some time, some money, some energy on YOU! Get that pedicure you want. Don’t feel guilty about it. Go for a long walk by yourself. Don’t feel guilty. It is the hardest thing for me to do. And, I bet it is for you too. But you got this! You will have a fresh mind, boosted confidence and you will be a better momma for it. Your kids love you and need you. They need you to fill their cups, go fill yours up first. You will be a better mom when you do.

 Who is with me?

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