Sunday, July 31, 2016

Spend Time With The Lord

Today I was taught a huge lesson in life from my 3 year old. Dinner time is always a busy part of my day. Getting the table set, getting kids hands' washed beforehand, finishing up the meal and getting it on the table, filling plates, getting the baby in her high chair, making sure everyone has drinks, up and down and up and down. Say a prayer and eat together. Tonight was busier than most. My husband was outside doing some yard work, the kids were rowdy, the baby didn't want to wait in her high chair before dinner, it was a little chaotic. We all sat down and started eating. When we finished we cleared the table and did our normal evening chores.
 About 20 minutes later, while my hands were soapy with dish water, my 3 year old runs in panicked.
 "Mommy!! We forgot to pray before dinner." He said.
 "It's okay. Sometimes we forget. We will pray next time." I replied.
 "No mommy. We didn't thank God for our meal, or our family, or our church or school! He said. " I didn't get to talk to God."
"Well, what do you think is the right thing to do?"
 "Let's pray, mommy." He said.
 And in the middle of the kitchen, with soapy hands and a damp shirt from washing dishes, I bent down and embraced my 3 year old and we prayed on the floor. He said his sweet childlike prayer, thanking God for everything he holds dear to his heart and I finished the prayer. After the prayer we looked and each other and grinned. Then, off he ran with a smile on his face. Sometimes I am too caught up with the busyness of life, my to-do list, chasing around kids, that I forget to stop, connect with God, take a deep breath, enjoy what the Lord has given me, and thank Him for what I hold dear to my heart. My child taught me a huge lesson tonight. Always have time to spend with the Lord. 
"And he said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

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