Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Volunteer Firefighter Wife

There are nights when he is here after work for a few short minutes and the tones drop and out he runs. There are days when I hear the sirens and know he won't be home for dinner until late. Some days I eat with the kids, bathe them, brush teeth, and tuck them into bed alone. They ask where daddy is and I tell them he is on a fire, and we pray for his safety. Some nights I hear the keys in the lock at 3 am after a big call and a sleepy, exhausted husband climbs into bed next to me. I've celebrated holidays without my husband, we have celebrated birthdays without daddy, I've been left at restaurants and parties because of fire calls getting a ride home with friends. He has missed performances and sporting events, milestones in his kids lives. All to serve his community as a volunteer firefighter. My husband made an oath to serve his community. Volunteering his time to save lives and help others. I made an oath to serve also. To keep my home running and to support him after the calls. To keep this home a sanctuary and a place of peace for him to return to. Volunteer firefighters give their time to serve the community. They miss time with family to serve. There are nights where the dinner table is set and my husband does not sit to eat with us, he isn't home. He is on a fire call. There are nights where I pick up that plate and put it back in the cupboard and pray for him while doing so. Pray for our volunteer firefighters. But also remember the ones at home who love that firefighter.

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