Monday, August 1, 2016

My Struggle Becomes My Blessing

Story Submitted By Beka Armstrong

This is a picture of my husband feeding our son. My son is now 7 months old. I battled with myself for the first couple months of his life because he wouldn't breastfeed. I did EVERYTHING I could to get him to latch but he just wouldn't have it. I pumped every day to give him breast milk.

After the two months, I decided that if he wanted the bottle then that was fine with me. I'm proud to say after 7 months I'm still pumping every day so he still gets breast milk.

This little boy took me almost 4 years, multiple surgeries, fertility drugs, and artificial insemination just to get him!

 I would say my message here is when you see a mother and child don't judge based off of breast fed or bottle fed. You don't know their story and the struggles they've endured. When you look at a mother and child look for the love in that child's eyes when he looks at his mother. Your baby is healthy, fed, and happy that's what matters.

When I look at this photo of my husband and son, I don't feel ashamed of the bottle, I feel blessed that my husband gets to share this experience with me

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