Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hello, 2017. New Year. New Mom.

Hello, 2017. Here is to a healthier, happier, more patient, calmer me.

This year I will take care of my physical body. A healthier body means I can take care of my kids better.

This year, I will exercise more.
 I will take the time for myself and better my body. I will get out there and breathe in that fresh air. I will get my heart pumping and lungs going. I will break in those running shoes.

This year, I will eat better.
I will remember that food is fuel and not comfort or a distraction. I will eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Less junk and sugar.

This year, I will drink more water.
I will remember to carry my water bottle with me and stay hydrated. I will drink less sugary drinks.

This year, I will take care of myself mentally. A healthy mind means I will interact with my children better.

This year, I will be more patient.
I will remember my kids are still learning. I will practice patience, teaching them, by my example, at the same time.

This year, I will be calmer.
I will let more things go and not get worked up over the small things.

This year, I will worry less.
I will live in the day that is present and not worry so much about the next. I will stop worrying about what 'may' happen and the things I can't control.

This year, I will laugh more.
I will find the fun in each day and make sure to laugh with my family daily.

This year, I will give myself a break.
I will not feel guilty for taking time for myself. To have someone watch my kids and take the time to take care of me, alone.

This year, I will rest more.
I will remember that housework can sometimes wait. I will sit and relax a little more. I will try to get more hours of sleep at night. I will try to take time each day to rest.

This year, I will take care of myself spiritually. A strong connection with God makes life run smoother.

This year, I will pray more.
I will remember to go to God for my struggles and worries. I will remember to leave those with God and let Him handle it.

This year, I will thank God more.
I will remember to thank God for what I have, more often. I will give thanks to Him for all the things He has given me.

This year, I will open my bible more.
I will connect with God and His word. I will take time during the busy week to be quiet with God and reconnect with Him.

This year, is a new year. I will take care of myself more. I will relax more. I will take better care of my body. I will laugh more. I will find the beauty in the small things each day. I will be a better mom this year, by taking better care of me.

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