Thursday, January 5, 2017

Discouraged By The Daily Tasks

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

A struggle I have as a mom is the fact that some of things I have to do around the house or in life seem so minimal and worthless. My husband goes to a job every day. He brings home a paycheck every 2 weeks. Being a minister and a firefighter he has days where he does GRAND gestures. He pulls people out of mangled cars. He does CPR on a unconscious person. He meets with a homeless person and helps to find them housing and food. Big things. Things, that if you told someone, they would be sitting on the edge of their seats, listening intently.

All while I am at home taking care of three kids, putting a roast in the crock pot and doing a load of laundry.

My day sounds like it has much less worth than his.

But, humble deeds. Deeds done in humility. The small things. Those are what add up. That is how we show what our life is about.

Without the 'small' tasks you do on a daily basis, life wouldn't be the same for your family. Someone needs to do the small deeds. Life wouldn't run smooth.

I'm not pulling someone out of a wrecked car. However, letting someone ahead of me in the grocery store line who has less items than me or buying a friend a coffee and taking it to their work, or really sitting down and listening to my child's story, or taking lunch to my husband at work, or slipping a little note in my son's lunch box, or making a favorite dish for dinner without someone requesting it... These things can change someones day. It could encourage them for the entire week. Knowing that someone is thinking about them.

Be the encouragement. Know that the small things you do on a daily basis are a HUGE impact on your family, their lives, and your life. These tasks may seem minimal or worthless and you question why you do them every day. But, you will never know the positive effects it has on each one of your family members.

That load of laundry is you helping build the next generation of God's creation. Picking up those toys on the floor and setting the dinner table in the evening is just adding another brick in building God's kingdom. Each wonderful and selfless task we, as mothers, do is just another way we are bringing heaven to earth.

I pray for each of you who read this. I pray this week you will find encouragement in the small tasks each day.

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