Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I'm Tired Of Multitasking...

Heck, sleeping has become a multitask all in itself.

I wake up in the morning with a little face staring down at me as my alarm clock goes off. I turn the alarm off and my multitasking day starts.

There is no yawning and stretching. Staring blankly out the window figuring out what the schedule for the day is and getting ready for the day in silence and peace while sipping my hot cup of coffee along the way.

No, that was before children.

My day starts with getting the older kids up for school. There is breakfast prep, lunches to pack, kids to get dressed, shoes to tie, backpacks to fill, questions to answer, teeth to brush, hair to brush, throw my hair in a pony tail and out the door to school drop off and preschool drop off.

I put the one year old in her high chair and wheel it into the bathroom doorway so she can eat her breakfast while I shower quickly. I get dressed while convincing her to sit on her bottom and eat. I brush my teeth with a kid between my legs or pulling her away from the bathroom trash can while she pulls who knows what out of it.

I start a load of laundry before cleaning, knowing it will wash while I vacuum the floors. I am answering questions from my 4 year old while grabbing a pen from a toddler running away from me and screaming in delight from her discovery. I make meals while holding a child or having one cling to my leg.

I am folding laundry while the hamburger is frying in the pan and I have a little one yelling from the bathroom that he needs his bottom wiped. I have the door bell ringing while I'm changing a poopy diaper and the dog is chasing the kids around and someone stole someone's toy.

I am answering  my 6 year old's questions, while talking on the phone and my youngest holding her sippy cup up to me wanting it filled with more milk. I try to have adult conversations with someone at the store while I am wiping a nose and having to tie a shoe and fix an argument.

I deal with bath time and scrubbing hair while chasing a naked kid through the house carrying a wet bath toy and wiping up the floor by shimmying my feet back to the bath tub to get the rest of the kids out of the tub.

I go to sleep after everyone is asleep and I am rubbing my one year old's back while drifting off myself in a weird position in bed only to wake up 45 minutes later because someone had a nightmare or the baby needs her binkie or someone is thirsty. I am up multiple times a night, never getting a full night of sleep.

I was walking through the store the other day and saw those adult coloring books. I honestly thought to myself that it would be a fun thing to have... for half a second... Then I thought about when I would even have time to sit for 15 minutes to do something like that. Or to even have colored pencils without someone ruining them.

Yes, I'm complaining. Yes, I want all these kids. Yes, some people would love to have kids and can't. Yes, I know, "It will get better." "Things will be different someday". I've heard it all... But, today is not that day. I'm so tired of multitasking. I'm so tired of having my plate so full. Sometimes I just want 15 minutes of silence.


No questions. No noise.

Complete silence.

I would love to be able to think again. Read a book quietly. Enjoy a full 30 minute TV show without interruptions. Have a conversation with my husband without someone needing something. Just a few minutes to myself.

I'm so tired of multitasking. Constantly having to think about doing 15 things at once.

I'm exhausted.

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