Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The End of an Era & I'm a Little Sad

My son has this stuffed dinosaur. I'm not exactly where it came from or who gave it to us. From a young, young age he became attached to this dinosaur. When he was about 2, he named it "Rexie". Rexie came everywhere with us. Rexie has been to the doctor, has had band-aids, has gotten 'shots' with my son, he has been on many vacations, he has been through the wash countless times, he has been slept with and cuddled almost every night since I can remember.

Rexie is pretty much a part of the family.

My son just entered kindergarten. He is 5. Rexie isn't the center of his attention anymore. For years, wherever my son was, Rexie was in tow. Not much any more.

Rexie still sits on my sons bed. He is on his bed while he sleeps. Not cuddled up tight like he used to be.

Recently, Rexie needed to be washed. I tossed him in with the load of bedding and when he came out he was fluffy and soft and warm. I yelled for my son to come to the laundry room and as he came running in, I handed him Rexie.

"Thanks!" He said smiling, "He needed a good washing."

"I thought you would like that." I replied.

"Yeah. He smells good again. Can you put him on my bed?" He asked. And, he handed him back to me and ran off to play with his brother.

I went into his bedroom and set him nicely on his bed. As I stood there staring at this stuffed animal, I got a little choked up. My baby is no longer a baby. He's growing up. He is outgrowing his 'lovey's'. He no longer needs a security in tow. He is becoming more confident, smarter, stronger, older, more mature. Rexie will always be a part of our lives and a part of the family. But, slowly, Rexie isn't needed.

There were nights when my husband and I would tear apart the house searching for Rexie, frustrated that our child needed this darn dinosaur to fall asleep at night. I miss that. There were road trips where we would have to wash Rexie wherever we could because he had been dropped, stepped on, kicked, spilled on, sat on, snuggled and drooled on. I was always complaining that I had to keep an eye on just another thing in life. I miss that.

Rexie will eventually leave his spot on my son's bed. He will be put in a box or closet somewhere. He will be pulled out occasionally and talked about and put back.

My son is growing. Too fast. The moments of frustration with Rexie have become such fond memories. They make me slow down.

I can't wait to see what my son will do in life. I love watching him grow, change, mature, and learn. But, I will miss Rexie and the babyhood he represents. Slow down, sweet boy. Snuggle him just one more night.

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