Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bring Back The Dinner Table Challenge

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with "Getting to the top", "Make more money", "Succeed!" "It's all about your success", "Work, Work, Work",  and also the constant buzzing of your phone and Facebook notifications, and games, and Instagram photos, there are times we tend to forget why we are doing what we are doing. For our family.

The chaos. The meetings. The recitals. The soccer practices. The grocery shopping. The running kids this way and that way, the distractions of our phones, the TV, the emails, Facebook, Instagram, phone calls, news instantly at our fingertips, and trying to make everything work from the time we open our eyes to the moment we lay down in bed at night.

While we are trying to do everything to make our family's lives a little easier, to make a little more money, to sneak in just one more errand, to make that one last phone call for the day, I am challenging you to this....

Slow down.

At least 3 times a week, sit down at the dinner table with your family. Set the phones in the other room. Turn off the TV. Sit at the table and have dinner together. No distractions. Take 45 minutes out of the day to pass food to each other, talk about your day, enjoy each others company, connect as a family again.

I understand. Life is hectic. There is so much going on. These days, with crazy work schedules and kids in sports and activities, there doesn't ever seem a good time to sit and eat dinner as a family. But, make time. Just attempt 3 days a week. Maybe it's not dinner. Maybe one of you works through dinnertime. Have breakfast together. Just find a time to connect with your family again.

This country seems to be falling apart. Let's not let it break our families apart. Let's come together as a family unit. Let's bring back the dinner table. Let's pray together. Eat together. Laugh together. Connect again.

Who is with me?

Let's bring back the dinner table.

Let's challenge one another to bring our family units back together. That is why we do what we do in the first place. For our kids. For our husbands. For our wives. For our family. For US.

Let's do this.

Share below. And accept the challenge.

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